Friday, February 17, 2006

Sometimes love just ain't enough

Dear Smurfette:

First off, let me say I love you. That isn't really what's being questioned here. What is being questioned is whether our love is enough to sustain us through these difficult times. I partly blame myself for not being there when you were born, but I was trying to lay the groundwork in DC for a job after graduation. As soon as you and I left for Ann Arbor in the Fall of '03 I felt like we really bonded. You liked Ann Arbor--you were economical and clean and I was so happy to have you at school that gas money didn't seem like a hassle. Things were good.

But then winter break came. The snowstorms to and from Ann Arbor were some of the most treacherous conditions that I have ever driven through, and sadly, you were scared! It's not your fault, you're not a snow car. But you were brave as we hit that ice patch and 360-ed off the road. You chugged and you plugged so I could get out of that embankment without the aid of a tow truck. I was proud of you.

The drive out to DC after college was not without its perils as well. Sure, we bonded listening to NPR and you seemed to not mind my singing, but the drive was 11 hours and there were bound to be bumps. The rain on the Pennsylvania Turnpike was more than your little wipers (even on high) could handle. So we pulled over and waited for the storm to pass. You know your limitations, which I have always respected about you.

Since you became an official DC resident, things have been rocky. I love having the freedom to hit the road, but the road has been hitting you back with the two flats tires you've gotten and other inconveniences of city life. Without you I don't know how I'd get to the grocery store, Target, Virginia, or Lizzie's house for the Jewish holidays. I wouldn't know the joy of driving Rock Creek Parkway. I would never have seen the amazing houses in Spring Valley. I wouldn't be able to hit I-95 to Philly or New York. But without you I wouldn't know the pain of erroneous speeding tickets on the Dulles Access Road, rush hour parking tickets that are $50-$100, being towed in Virigina (more Virigina's fault than yours) or feeling the pinch of high gas prices.

This morning's parking tickets (on our own street no less!) make me wonder if you make any sense at all. Oh, Smurfette we've definitely had some good times--but do they outweigh the bad? I just need some guidance on the subject.



Blogger Red Photography said...

Dumping my old gal Sally was the best decision I ever made.

4:31 PM  
Blogger EJ Takes Life said...

I feel your pain. I am so torn over what to do with Xena. She's expensive and not always reliable, but I can't imagine doing all my grocery shopping from 7-11.

3:38 PM  

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