Monday, July 10, 2006

Oh The Shame!

Oh, god. This is unprecendented. I've lost my sarcasm. That's right, the quippy, jokey, biting wordplay that makes my world go round. I can't pinpoint exactly when it started but now I officially don't get it. You know it: that thing where people don't have to explain to you that they're kidding because you just inherently know. I NO LONGER GET IT!! THIS IS A PROBLEM!

Sarcasm is the currency of youth, so how am I going to function it without it? Who will I talk to? What shows can I watch? and most importantly, how in the H-E-L-L do I get it back? Basically, I should sit at home, alone, with my phone off watching Golden Girls reruns. What else is there to do?

This reminds me of that Sex and The City episode where Samantha loses her orgasm and doesn't get it back until she cries at Miranda's mother's funeral. I really hope that doesn't mean that someone has to die in order for me to find my sarcasm... See? I take everything literally!! Oh, this is bad. This is really bad.

Wanted: my sarcasm back. It's like my mojo, only more important.


Blogger EJ Takes Life said...

You know what I'm going to say:

"Sack UP, ho."

Take two hits off the Gawker Media Empire and call me in the morning.

1:44 PM  
Blogger BobtheBatmobile said...

Welcome to Bob's world!

10:26 AM  

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