Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Going to the chapel

Here's the deal: my second friend from college got engaged last week. These aren't just acquaintances that I had a discussion section with but friends that I smoked with, drank with, and cried about boys with, who are now going to have "Mrs." in front of their names. Somehow when it was just one of them, it felt okay. Her and her fiancée had been together for three years, were living together, and had a dog together, so marriage was coming and that was fine. But now that there are two of them engaged, I have to start rethinking the logic of the whole marriage scenario.

Maybe it's because my own life is so far from that course that I find it impossible to even digest what marriage involves. Living with another person, having a joint checking account, splitting holidays between families, and oh yeah, WANTING TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIVES TOGETHER. There are very few people in my life that I like spending more than a few hours with, so the concept of together forever sounds a little far-fetched.

Ok, ok, now you're saying, "But Libberash, if you were with someone you would have a different view." To that I say,"No, fuck off." We've all been in serious relationships by this point in our lives and it just kills me that all of the sudden any serious relationship we have has to be on the marriage track. In fact, I know people who have broken up perfectly good relationships because neither of them were quite "there" in terms of marriage. Baby with the bathwater, much?

Before you take the image of a bitter, man-hating feminazi from all of this let me just say, despite all my reservations about getting married in general, my two friends that are engaged are truly happy. I mean sun-shining-birds-chirping-sometimes-you-just-know happy. So I, being the good supportive friend, am happy for them. Honest to goodness.

But don't you dare aim that bouquet at me.


Blogger EJ Takes Life said...

I just got back from a bridal shower for a girl who used to wear my hand-me-down party dresses as a child. She's so damn happy, it's contagious. It's right for her, and he's right for her. But still, the morning after her wedding night she has to fly back to school for choir practice.

11:37 PM  

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