Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sobriety can be cool. Yes it can.

Since I stopped drinking (I only recently started again, but with much less fervor) I've noticed some very interesting characteristics of drunk people. We've all see the posters that say, "Beer: Helping ugly people have sex since 1856" or something to that effect. And it's true that alcohol is a social lubricant, but you don't have to be drinking to use it that way. If I'm the only sober or semi-sober person in a group of wasteds than I'm wasted too, as far as they know. Let's call it drunk by association or the alcohol version of secondhand smoke. You can act just as crazy and/or reckless as the drunk people if you want, or you can just taunt them mercilessly the next day because you'll remember their embarrassing antics and they won't. Hmmmm, I might have just found a way to sell the advantages of sobriety...


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