Monday, June 07, 2004

I don't want to work, I want to bang on the drum all day

Welcome to the world of 30 degree offices, CNN on for 8 hours straight, and a creeping hatred of computers. That's right: you have a job!! My office is so cold I leave a sweater here just to make sure I don't die of hypothermia. And CNN, let me tell you, news is not watching Reagan's herse make its way from his home to the airport...LIVE. The 24 hour news channel was a bad idea. Let's take Ted Turner out back and beat the shit out of him (American President was on last night...pardon the quote). As for computers, they are evil. Even my pretty laptop at home can't save my annoyance at being so dependent on them. Ahhh, well. I've settled in nicely, wouldn't you say?


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